Sunday, February 4, 2007

what i ate

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Since my brother and I were too lazy to cook, we decided to get take out from Chinatown. We had a lot of chinese vegetables that I do not know the english name to. Most of the chinese vegetables were green and the outside was hard, but when I bit into it, it was soft like the tofu. I also had chicken as a part of my meal. As I took a bite out of everything I had on my plate, everything just seemed tasteless to me. Although the texture of everything seemed the same as well. All of the vegetables, the outside was hard and the inside was soft except for the eggplant. The eggplant was overall soft. The skin of the eggplant was a little slippery and the inside was soft and gushy. All the vegetables that I had on my plate seemed tasteless to me. The chicken was tender. The meat of the chicken was just perfect, it wasn't too chewy or too dry, just right. The smell of everything combined was different from how each and everyone of them tasted. Although most of them did not have a taste, it was more what I thought the taste would be like. Then when I ate the rice, I was able to feel the individual pieces of rices as I was chewing my food. When it came to swallowing my food, there was just no taste present. I guess vegetables don't seem to have a flavor in my taste buds, seems like all vegetables are tasteless to me.

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