Today, my brothers and I had decided to have a home cooked meal since it was so cold today. We didn't feel like spenindg money and going out to get take out food. So we decided to make beef with tomatoes, chicken wings with potatoes, fish and choy (chinese vegetable). I will first start off with the beef and tomatoes. The beef in this meal was very chewy. Although it was chewy, it wasn't as chewy as gummy bears. The beef didn't really have a flavor. The beef absorbed a lot of the flavor from the other ingredients in the meal. The beef absorbed a lot of flavor from the tomatoes and onions. The tomatoes were easy to bite through. When I bite the tomato, I felt a tingle on my tongue. I felt the seeds of the tomatoes against my teeth. The seeds were floating around in my mouth. They were hard to bite, but it was easy to swallow down since it was so small. On the otherhand, the onion was a bit crunchy when I bite it. The onions' taste was exactly like the smell of it when you cut it. And now, onto the next dish, chicken with potatoes. The meat on the wings were tender and easy to chew. Although there were a couple of wings that had burnt parts on it (thanks to my brother for not watching the stove), the meat was still tender. As my top and bottom front teeth sank into the potato, I felt a powdery feeling on my tongue as I was chewing the potatoe breaking it down into smaller pieces so that it's easier to swallow. The chicken wings and the potatoes both had a thick sauce/gravy covering it. Moving along to the next dish, FISH! The fish was very soft. It was as soft as tofu. The sauce that the fish was marinated in, the fish really absorbed the flavor. As I let the fish sit in my mouth for flavor, I taste sesame oil from the marinade. The fish was so soft, it felt like there was nothing in my mouth to be chewing on. And the last dish on my menu is the vegetable to be healthy. My dish for vegetable is choy, which is a chinese vegetable. As I bite into the choy, there was a crunchy feeling to it. It was like biting into a Cheeto. I also felt a small fizz when I bite into the choy. As I chewed the choy, my taste buds sensed oyster sauce. Oyster sauce is a bit salty, which I was able to sense in the choy. Also because the oyster sauce was used to flavor the choy. Normally, choy doesn't really have a taste to it, it just has texture and is healthy because it's a vegetable. And you can't forget the RICE! Rice doesn't have a flavor, having these dishes just adds a variety of flavors to the rice. The rice is just there to go with the dishes that were prepared. I felt the small individual grains of rice floating around in my mouth as I chewed on the rice and chunks from my dishes that my brothers and I had prepared for dinner.
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